Supporting you on your journey.

Fertility Support

We are here to take you out of confusion and instead give you clarity on what Nutrition & Lifestyle approaches to take to support you and your partners overall fertility.

Our approach is to help you with natural conception and/or alongside your doctor or fertility clinic.

Let me and my team share what we know from our 15 + years experience of working on our own fertility, supporting many clients along the way.

Covered by Irish Life Health Insurance.

consultation options

Choose your package.


  • 1 x 90 min consultation with fertility nutritional therapist & pharmacist.

  • Blood work and testing assessment and advice.

  • Personalised Fertility Nutrition Plan

  • Personalised Fertility Supplement Protocol

  • Downloadable support resources, recipes, PDFs etc.

  • Access to your own private client portal.

  • Blood testing checklist and educational guides.

  • Medication review with qualified pharmacist & fertility nutritionist

  • Please note follow up consultations are €145 per 45 mins. It is strongly advised to choose one of our packages to for the most cost affective support



  • 90 min couples consultation with fertility nutritional therapist & pharmacist. (€250.00)

  • 2 x 45 min follow up consultations (Value €290)

  • Blood work and testing assessment and advice.

  • Personalised Fertility Nutrition Plan

  • Personalised Fertility Supplement Protocol

  • Downloadable support resources, recipes, PDFs etc.

  • Access to your own private client portal.

  • Blood testing checklist and educational guides.

  • Medication review with qualified pharmacist & fertility nutritionist

  • Fertility Support and Coaching to help you on your journey.

  • Self paced Male Fertility Masterclasses valued at €97.

  • Option to add functional medicine testing if beneficial.

  • Email support throughout the 12 weeks (Priceless)



(Payment Plan Available)

€190 + 8 payments of €50


Ideal for complex cases

  • 90 min couples consultation with fertility nutritional therapist & pharmacist. (Value €250)

  • 4 x 45 min follow up consultations (Value €580)

  • Blood work and testing assessment and advice.

  • Personalised Fertility Nutrition Plan

  • Personalised Fertility Supplement Protocol

  • Downloadable support resources, recipes, PDFs etc.

  • Access to your own private client portal.

  • Blood testing checklist and educational guides.

  • Medication review with qualified pharmacist & fertility nutritionist

  • Fertility Support and Coaching to help you on your journey.

  • Self paced Male Fertility Masterclasses valued at €97.

  • Option to add functional medicine testing if beneficial.

  • Unlimited email contact with your practitioner. (Priceless)


(Payment Plan Available)

€199 + 10 payments of €50

Meet the Fertility Team

  • Amy O Mara

    Amy - Fertility Reflexologists & Nutritionist

    Founder | Dip Advanced Reflexology. Dip Nutrition & Lifestyle.

    Amy has been a womens holistic health practitioner and reflexologist for over 10 years. Due to her own fertility issues and being diagnosed with primary ovarian insufficiency, Amy went back to college to study 3.5 year diploma in Nutritional Therapy with IINH & is currently training with Sandra Greenbank to be able to dive deeper into Fertility Nutrition & coaching. Working 1-1 with clients in Limerick & online, Amy & her team can help prepare your body for pregnancy and support you on your fertility journey. To view Amy’s qualifications click here.

    Member or the Irish Reflexology Institute.

  • Carla Fertility Nutrition

    Carla - Fertility Nutritionist & Pharmacist

    Msc Personalised Nutrition. Dip Nutritional Therapy. Certificate In Dietary Counselling

    Carla is a registered pharmacist with over 18 years practise, has a masters in personalised nutrition, a diploma in Nutritional therapy and an impressive list of post grad qualifications’s in Fertility and Womens health. She has also completed a Mentorship programme With Sandra Greenbank. Having gone through IVF, she is a perfect practitioner to support you on your fertility journey.

    Carla combines her nutritional qualifications with the pharmaceutical background to give a unique insight into health, disease and medications for couples undergoing fertility treatment / challenges. Registered With BANT & CNCH

Benefits of Fertility Nutrition.











A practical but compassionate approach helping you to advocate for yourself on this journey.

  • Feel less stressed and overwhelmed (no more googling!)

  • Find out where your diet is lacking and what steps to take

  • Blood testing guidance & discussion about fertility testing

  • Importance of how to advocate for yourself with your doctors

  • Discuss the fertility clinic options here in Ireland & which ones may suit you

  • Learn about how nutrition & stress management plays a role in fertility health

  • Feel more empowered on what to do next.

  • Recommendations on to fertility specialists / practitioners to suit your needs

  • Discuss the blood tests & procedures that might benefit you.

looking for answers?

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Depending on your package pricing ranged from€250 to €690.

  • No problem. Pop us an email via the contact page and request a discovery call.

  • Irish life are the only health insurance provider in Ireland that we know of that covers Nutritional Therapy. Our practitioners are members of the NTOI or BANT which means you may have cover.

  • It takes an average of 90 days for egg and sperm health to benefit from Nutrition and Lifestyle changes. We also belive that having several consultations allows for a better client and practitioner experience.

  • Yes, once you have done your initial consult, your practitioner can advice on blood testing, stool testing, and help educate you on advanced fertility testing to request wih your doctors.

  • Yes, we try our best to accommodate clients for their first consultation. If possible we prefer to do all follow up consults during clinic office hours / lunch times.